Children with Disabilities are considered the most vulnerable group in the community. Due to the physical and mental incapacity, they are unable to get equal opportunity and respect from the family and community compared to normal children. The disability affects an individual’s socialization process and thus they are isolated in their home.
The lives of the disabled children are made difficult not so much by their specific impairments, but by the way the society interprets and reach to disability. Rejection in the areas of education, health and livelihood is common. Mental stress is high in families who have children with intellectual challenge. Moreover the ‘invisible disabilities also invite a lot more judgment from the community thus those that are visible
Existing problems
- Non availability of general health services to children with disabilities
- Lack of learning together –special need children learn to grow with developing children
- Lack of awareness on community rehabilitation programme among community members
- Lacking self reliance
- Lack of advocacy programme/networking/political empowerment
Project overall goal
To enable PWD’s to access regular services and opportunities so that they can maximise their physical and mental abilities and become active contributors to this society.
- To ensure the accessibility in the areas of health education and livelihood
- To gather information about the issues confronting the community and rights of the persons with disability
- To initiate and sustain networks, advocacy and lobbying in promoting the rights of disabled people
Activities of the project
- Interface with health department personnel and disabled people
- Orientation to school children in 10 schools
- Training/skill up gradation to CBR volunteers
- Capacity building training to DPO leaders and members
- Counseling to children, parents and others
- Capacity building training to advocacy group
The target group
The direct beneficiaries of this project are children/youngsters with disability, their family members, care takers, DPO members , school teachers, students, rehabilitation workers, volunteers and advocacy group. The indirect beneficiaries of the group are community members, govt. officials, SHG/Kudumbasree members, Anganwadi teachers, Asha workers and other rehabilitation works.
Intended results
- Accessibility of medicines
- Accessibility in buildings
- Availability of assistive devices
- Periodical medical camps
- Enrolment of disabled children in normal schools
- Accessibility in classrooms, bathrooms and playground
- Care and support at school
- Deep knowledge on Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
- Inclusive education
- Strengthening the movements of people with disability
- Strong and vibrant Disabled People’s Organizations
- Self employment for disabled children and care takers