WeLive Project (Women Empowerment through Livelihood and Entrepreneurship) 2020-2023
It is a project for sustainable income for rural women through Entrepreneurship Development and Social Empowerment. The Project is supported by BREADS Banglore (Banglore Educational And Development Society)
Project Goal
Sustainable income for rural women through micro enterprises and social empowerment.
Specific objective
- 300 women are trained and capacitated to become entrepreneurs.
- Out of 300 women 75% of them are trained in entrepreneurship and production skill and engage in individual or group based micro-Productions for income generation and /or saving purposes within the project period
- Out of 100 women 75% of them are trained in organic kitchen garden/farming and 60% of them are initiated organic farming or kitchen garden in their homes.
- At least 65% of the 300 trained women’s household income will increase by at least 15% against their current income at the end of the project period.
Target group
- Poor women who are participating in SHG/ Kudumbasree Units.
- Having strong desire and interest to start livelihood project for their economic development
Project process
- Selection of potential women/groups/women entrepreneurs
- Capacity building
- Skills development
- Income generation activity
- Economic upliftment
Project activities
Activity 1 –Entrepreneurship Development Training
Three one day workshops for 300 women
Workshop 1 : Group Management
Workshop 2 : Finance Management
Workshop 3 : Credit linkage and Finance access
Activity 2- Production Training
Two one Day workshops for 300 women
Workshop 1 : Production training 1
Workshop 2 : Production training 2
Activity 3 Training on Organic Farming and kitchen gardening
Three one day workshop for 100 women from Edakkadu village in Poruvazhy Panchayat
Workshop 1 : Organic farming – Basics
Workshop 2 : How to start kitchen garden in organic way-seed selection, land, preparation etc.
Workshop 3 : Basics of vegetable cultivation – cultivation, weed culture, organic pesticides, organic manure production etc.
Activity 4 Facilitation of Micro Enterprises.
Initiate group/individual Micro Enterprises/income generation project by the women.
Activity 5 Facilitation of organic Kitchen garden
Initiate organic kitchen garden in the house premises of women trained in organic kitchen garden
Activity 6 Marketing and Finance Linkage support
Support services for the women entrepreneurs for exploring the market facilities, to increase their sales, market linkage and financial linkages for further growth of their enterprises /self employment
Impact of the project
- 300 women entrepreneurs emerged
- Sustainable income growth of rural women
- Linkages and partnerships related for economic development and social empowerment of women
- Food security