KAVAL PLUS is an innovative programme by the department of women and child development, Government of Kerala. The pilot phase of the programme was from December 2020. The KAVAL…
KAVAL PLUS is an innovative programme by the department of women and child development, Government of Kerala. The pilot phase of the programme was from December 2020. The KAVAL…
STILLA Vidhyadhara Education Programme focuses the basic education for socially and economically backward school children in Punalur Diocese. Objectives . Equalization of basic education opportunities for disadvantaged children, who have…
Asakiranam is a people movement designed by Caritas India. It promotes preventive approaches through awareness programmes. Methodology is to educate the society about cancer and its preventive measures like lifestyle.…
Kerala Labour Movement (KLM) is the official organ of Commission for Labour of the Kerala Catholic Bishops Council (KCBC) working for the welfare and empowerment of the workers in India.…
Children with Disabilities are considered the most vulnerable group in the community. Due to the physical and mental incapacity, they are unable to get equal opportunity and respect from the…
WeLive Project (Women Empowerment through Livelihood and Entrepreneurship) 2020-2023 It is a project for sustainable income for rural women through Entrepreneurship Development and Social Empowerment. The Project is supported by…
Liliane Special School was started under the auspicious of Punalur Social Service Society, with the support of Liliane Fonds, Netharland in 2008 for the mentally challenged. Children between 4-25 are…
General objective The support programme for the federation of People with Disabilities in Punalur Diocese will contribute to enable Persons With Disabilities/families to access regular services and opportunities so that…
SAVE A FAMILY PLAN –INDIA is a Canadian based international nonprofit, family development programme which was started in 1965 by Rev Msgr. Augustine Kandathil with the purpose of uplifting the…
PSSS Suraksha Migrant Project Pathanamthitta PSSS Suraksha Destination Migrants Target Intervention Project, Pathanamthitta was started on 1st October 2014 and completed 31st March 2022. It was supported by Kerala State…